Interdisciplinary programmes
The aim of interdisciplinary programmes is to carry out collaborative research, training, and innovation between different Graduate Schools, encouraging collaboration on transversal themes.
These programmes use the Graduate Schools and the Institute, by bringing together research units and existing courses.
- Bring together, lead and structure teams, whose scientific excellence is internationally recognised around clearly identified scientific and societal issues
- Stimulate collaboration between different Graduate School teams and support interdisciplinarity
- Develop cutting edge scientific, technical, or societal technology
- Introduce and develop programmes for new occupations
- Contribute to the emergence of new companies, new markets, and new activity.

More than 80 research teams contribute at the highest international level – be they based in academic laboratories or industrial centres on the campus – in all strategic areas of quantum technology.

H-CODE aims at bringing together different communities of researchers and engineers of Paris-Saclay which manipulate in their work concepts from the theory of control and decision at different scales...

The PASREL Hub aims to support healthcare innovation projects stemming from labs of Paris-Saclay University, by advising them and connecting them to relevant resources. It organizes its action along two axes: technologies for medical research and technologies for organizational innovation.

The C-BASC initiative brings together 370 researchers from 15 laboratories to contribute to the study, design and implementation of the ecological and agroecological transitions through interdisciplinary research, training and innovation.

AllCAN aims to unite the teaching and research units of the University of Paris-Saclay around the technological challenges of climate and ecological transitions, by setting up training courses, an innovation center and research that combines academic and technological knowledge.

MICROBES is an interdisciplinary center at the Paris-Saclay University, dedicated to training, research and technology transfer in microbial sciences. MICROBES is over 600 researchers and (assistant) Professors, working in 120 research teams of 34 institutes.

The INanoTheRad Interdisciplinary Center aims to advance practices and tools and to propose new clinical solutions based on the use of innovative radiation sources, drugs and nanoparticles aimed at increasing the sterilizing effect of radiation on the tumor, combating radiation resistance and personalize treatments.

LivingMachines[at]Work (LM@W) is an interdisciplinary scientific program whose objective is to understand the fundamental molecular mechanisms of Life in order to innovate in the fields of Health and Biotechnologies.

The Paris-Saclay Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (PSIA2) aims to federate and make visible the scientific activities around aerospace and its impacts, within the perimeter of the University . It has three components: training, research, and promotion/communication with companies.