C-BASC events
You will find below the calendar in chronological order. Click on the events to learn more and access some of the presentations.
Researchers and local players Meeting Day on December 12, 2023
We are pleased to invite you to the Local Researchers and Actors Meeting Day on December 12, 2023. This event is organized as part of the VivAgriLab living lab, which aims to foster applied research projects in favor of the (agro)ecological transition of a large territory around the university.
VivAgriLab was born in 2019 from the desire to bring together our research and teaching organizations (AgroParisTech, INRAE, Université Paris-Saclay) with other local players (local authorities, associations, chamber of agriculture...).
The event is open to the scientific community, local players and partners. Registration is now open !
Thematic breakfast on legumes (June 22, 2023)
C-BASC organized its 3rd Thematic Breakfast on June 22. This edition was devoted to legumes, with complementary contributions from 4 laboratories (Agronomie, ECOSYS, Sayfood and PSAE). The C-BASC Thematic Breakfasts are designed to encourage collaboration within the C-BASC community, comprising 15 laboratories and 5 Graduate Schools. Don't hesitate to suggest a presentation for a future C-BASC Thematic Breakfast.
Open to all university staff, registration was free and compulsory. To avoid wastage, please notify us of any cancellations. Venue: Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, room E.1.505.
2nd C-BASC Thematic Breakfast (March 24, 2023)
On March 24, C-BASC organized a Thematic Lunch on the IDEAS Network "Initiative for design in agrifood systems" and one of its projects, entitled "Innovation and design in sociotechnical systems. Organized every 4 to 6 weeks, these events aim to get to know each other better on a scientific level, in order to develop collaborations within the C-BASC community, made up of 15 laboratories and 5 partner Graduate Schools. Don't hesitate to suggest a presentation(s) for a future themed lunch, on a subject related to C-BASC.
1st C-BASC Scientific Day (14/3/2023)
The first C-BASC Scientific Day took place on March 14 at IDEEV (Gif-sur-Yvette), open to all university staff. Presentations and posters are available.
Afternoon discussion on territorial research in the southwest of Paris (13/2/2023)
Several teams at C-BASC and beyond are conducting research on a territorial scale in the south-west of Paris with various partners (e.g. the VivAgriLab living lab, PNR de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse, etc.). C-BASC organized a meeting of researchers at AgroParisTech to conduct a strategic reflection.
Meeting between researchers and local actors (December 6, 2022)
The partners of the Living Lab VivAgriLab invite you to an annual meeting between researchers and local actors, aiming at the emergence of research projects applied to the territory of the Living Lab, within the framework of the ecological and agroecological transition. C-BASC will soon launch a call for those who would like to lead a workshop. Details of the day will follow shortly.
1st C-BASC thematic lunch (21/11/2022)
On November 21, C-BASC organized its first thematic lunch, on the theme "Research on intra- and peri-urban agriculture in the context of socio-ecological transition". Now that the majority of our laboratories are based on the Plateau de Saclay, these events aim to get to know each other better on a scientific level, in order to develop collaborations within the C-BASC community, made up of 15 laboratories and 5 partner Graduate Schools. Open to all university staff, registration is free and compulsory.
Awareness day on the Natural, Agricultural and Forestry Protection Zone of Paris-Saclay (October 9, 2022)
The Etablissement public d'aménagement Paris-Saclay invites you to an awareness day on the Natural, Agricultural and Forest Protection Zone (ZPNAF), a unique legislative device in France. C-BASC is working with multiple local actors on a ZPNAF action program, currently under review. In the morning, sign up for a life-size escape game (free) and then attend a festive afternoon in the Corbeville estate.
Conference on the future of agricultural and natural spaces (July 12, 2022)
A public conference was held on the future of natural and agricultural areas, in the presence of Californian and French delegations composed of local and state political decision-makers, members of regional organizations, associations and scientists, meeting for the first time in France.
Study tour of a delegation from California (July 11-15, 2022)
A multi-stakeholder delegation from California came to visit for a week, to exchange on innovative solutions that enhance biodiversity and climate resilience for communities adjacent to natural and agricultural landscapes.
Urine valorization in agriculture? Discussion group (May 30, 2022)
The association Terre & Cité, the Etablissement Public d'Aménagement Paris-Saclay and their partners (Urocyclus project...) are organizing a discussion group for the users of the Plateau de Saclay on the possibilities of human urine valorization in agriculture on the campus of the ENS Paris Saclay
Conference on Economics and Management of Climate Change (April 21-22, 2022)
The Graduate School Economics & Management of the University of Paris-Saclay organized the 12th Thematic Conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists on the theme "Economics and Management of Climate Change: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation".
Co-construction day with local actors (February 17, 2022)
A meeting between local actors and research actors was organized by the partners of the Living Lab approach "VivAgriLab: linking city and living in the south-west of Paris", which includes C-BASC.
The C-BASC Launch Conference (September 27, 2021)
The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate organized a conference on the occasion of its launch. The presentations focused on some innovative aspects of C-BASC compared to the previous project (LabEx BASC).