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M2 Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems

Apply for the degree
  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

The aim of the "Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems" (RVSI) master is to enable the student to learn the information and communication sciences applied to a complex system with a certain autonomy (robot, vehicle) .
Although currently other formations, in France, develop on similar themes, this research master retains its original character in the sense that it deals with mixed reality as a human-application interface Advanced for mastering complex systems and machines. It is a field that relies on the integration of computer graphics, 3D vision and machine learning on the one hand and robotics, automation, information processing and mechanics on the other.
The educational objective of this master course is the mastery of these disciplines and their integration.

Course Prerequisites

Broad-based background in mathematics, physics and informatics; Scientific and technological knowledge at Master's (Bac+4) level in electronics, automation, signal and image processing and informatics; English-speaking abilities.

  • Formalise and Model: use or design methods and models to describe complex systems.

  • Develop: translate these methods into an algorithm that takes account of noisy, imprecise or even incomplete data from the surroundings.

  • Simulate and Validate: implement computer simulations to validate or invalidate these models and methods.

  • Perceive the repercussions and industrial, economic and ethical issues relating to the tools studied or even developed.

  • Structure and write a scientific report;.

  • Structure and orally present a scientific project

Post-graduate profile

Students graduating from the E3A/RVSI Master's programme have solid scientific and technical knowledge in the subjects taught, along with experience acquired through the internship they have carried out. This opens up possibilities for them to either further their studies through research in doctoral programmes or seek employment in industry. Job opportunities are available in the fields of HMI design, virtual prototyping, design and simulation of animated virtual worlds, intelligent system control command, etc.

Career prospects

Academic field:
The RVSI research path prepares students to enter doctoral programmes either in one of the laboratories partnering the Master's programme or in industry, where CIFRE grants are available, particularly in research subjects concerning virtual or augmented reality and autonomous vehicles.
The shared nature of E3A training, which is involved with professional study paths mainly in computer and automatic engineering - particularly at M1 level - together with modular options that prepare students for a Master's 2 programme in partner engineering schools (ENSIIE, Telecom SudParis) provides graduates with the solid scientific and technical background required to enter employment in industry.


Informatique, Biologie Intégrative & Systèmes Complexes
Institut LIST.

Services répartis, Architectures, MOdélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux , IFSTTAR.


Cet élément de formation est constitué de cinq groupes d'UE, dont 3 obligatoires et 2 optionnelles, au semestre 1.
Les groupes 4 et 5 sont exclusifs : les étudiants doivent choisir un des 2 groupes qui ont néanmoins un module en commun.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Langues 3 30
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Fondements de la Réalité Virtuelle 3 10 8 12
Interfaces pour la réalité mixte 3 10 8 12
Modélisation géométrique pour la réalité mixte 3 10 8 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Géométrie multi-vues et reconnaissance automatique 3 10 8 12
Suivi 3D et réalité augmentée 3 10 8 12
Vision approfondie 3 10 8 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Apprentissage profond pour la vision artificielle 3 10 8 12
Reconnaissance de formes et Biométrie 3 10 8 12
Traitement de données multisources 3 10 8 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Commande et interaction avec l'environnement 3 10 8 12
Localisation et cartographie 3 10 8 12
Systèmes embarqués et géolocalisation 3 10 8 12

Le semestre 2 est constitué d'une UE obligatoire et du stage :

Groupe 1 : UE - Interaction et Collaboration (obligatoire) présenter les concepts, fondements, méthodes et techniques d'interactions multimodales dans les environnements virtuels collaboratifs ainsi que les principales méthodes d'animation de personnages virtuels 3D, de corps et visage d'avatars de type humanoïde.
Groupe 2 : UE - Stage(obligatoire) : effectuer un stage en laboratoire ou entreprise.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Interactions multimodales et collaboratives 3 10 8 12
Techniques d'Animation d'Humanoïdes 3 10 8 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Stage 24 6
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 01/02/2024 to 05/07/2024
From 15/08/2024 to 31/08/2024
Compulsory supporting documents
  • Rank of previous year and size of the promotion.

  • Motivation letter.

  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

  • Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.

Additional supporting documents
  • Copy diplomas.

  • Certificate of French (compulsory for non-French speakers).

  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here :

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
Administrative office
Océa Noguès-Cubelles -