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Infection et inflammation (2I)

Présentation du laboratoire

Le laboratoire de recherche infection et inflammation (2I) travaille sur l'inflammation chronique, le système immunitaire, la réponse neuroendocrine au sepsis ou encore la physiopathologie et diagnostic des infections microbiennes. Les recherches se concentrent plus particulièrement pour le premier axe sur les infections aux mycobactéries à croissance rapide dans un contexte d'affection respiratoires (notamment chez des patients atteint de mucoviscidose). Le second axe de recherche porte sur les staphylocoques à coagulase négative et sur les infections sur prothèses. Enfin le dernier axe de recherche porte sur les infections dues au virus respiratoire syncitial (VRS).

Les 20 dernières publications

Titre Auteurs Date de publication Source
Tracheostomy in ventilator-dependent patients with slowly progressive neuromuscular disease Djillali Annane 01/05/2023 The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Indoxyl sulfate impairs erythropoiesis at BFU-E stage in chronic kidney disease Islam Amine Larabi, Jean Claude Alvarez 01/04/2023 Cellular Signalling
Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation: A New Therapeutic Approach for Pharmacoresistant Restless Legs Syndrome Guillaume Bao, Marine Zagdoun, Eric Azabou 01/04/2023 Neuromodulation
The various inhaled corticoids. What are the respective advantages? E. Bardin, Stanislas Grassin-Delyle 01/04/2023 Revue Francaise d'Allergologie
Metoclopramide Intoxication Through Breast Milk: Relevance of Blood and Hair Analyses Marie Bellouard, Jean Claude Alvarez 01/03/2023 Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Forensic pre-hospital deaths related to fentanyl and its analogues in the Paris area: Data from the Île-de-France Toxic Death Surveillance System (DCTOX-IdF) Jean Claude Alvarez 01/03/2023 Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique
Oligonucleotide Enhancing Compound Increases Tricyclo-DNA Mediated Exon-Skipping Efficacy in the Mdx Mouse Model Arnaud Mansart 01/03/2023 Cells
Interleukin 27 is a novel cytokine with anti-inflammatory effects against spondyloarthritis through the suppression of Th17 responses Quentin Jouhault, Bilade Cherqaoui, Aude Jobart-Malfait, Simon Glatigny, Marc Lauraine, Audrey Hulot, Guillaume Morelle, Benjamin Hagege, Kétia Ermoza, Gilles Chiocchia, Maxime Breban, Luiza M. Araujo 02/02/2023 Frontiers in Immunology
Paradoxical Effects of Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 Deficiency on HLA–B27 and Its Role as an Epistatic Modifier in Experimental Spondyloarthritis Maxime Breban 01/02/2023 Arthritis and Rheumatology
Epidemiology, risk factors and prognosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia during severe COVID-19: Multicenter observational study across 149 European Intensive Care Units Nicholas Heming 01/02/2023 Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine
Extracellular traps formation following cervical spinal cord injury Camille H. Bourcier, Laila Emam, Adeline Gasser, Simon Glatigny, Arnaud Mansart 01/02/2023 European Journal of Neuroscience
Correlation between Saliva Levels and Serum Levels of Free Uremic Toxins in Healthy Volunteers Elodie Lamy 01/02/2023 Toxins
Valproic acid as adjuvant treatment for convulsive status epilepticus: a randomised clinical trial Jean Claude Alvarez 09/01/2023 Critical Care
Both Disease Activity and HLA–B27 Status Are Associated With Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Spondyloarthritis Patients Maxime Breban 01/01/2023 Arthritis and Rheumatology
Target Analysis of Designer Benzodiazepines in Blood and Urine Islam Amine Larabi, Jean Claude Alvarez 01/01/2023 Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Efficacy of ceftazidime-avibactam in various combinations for the treatment of experimental osteomyelitis due to Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Benjamin Davido, Anne Claude Crémieux, Laure Gatin, Azzam Saleh-Mghir 01/01/2023 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
Management of the end of life in the emergency department: evaluation of a dedicated training course on emergency department practices at the CHU Ambroise Paré Sébastien Beaune 01/01/2023 Soins. Gerontologie
Low versus standard calorie and protein feeding in ventilated adults with shock: a randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group trial (NUTRIREA-3) Virginie Maxime 01/01/2023 The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Ribonucleoprotein transport in Negative Strand RNA viruses Cédric Diot, Gina Cosentino, Marie Anne Rameix-Welti 01/01/2023 Biology of the Cell
EULAR study group on 'MHC-I-opathy': identifying disease-overarching mechanisms across disciplines and borders Félicie Costantino, Simon Glatigny, Maxime Breban 01/01/2023 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

Nombre de publications du laboratoire par domaine scientifique (2016-2021)

Chaque publication du laboratoire peut être rangée dans une ou plusieurs disciplines scientifiques : la figure ci-dessus présente le nombre de publications du laboratoire pour chaque discipline de la classification ASJC (Elsevier)