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Just Do Maths ! Paris-Saclay’s Women in Mathematics Against Stereotypes


Just Do Maths! is a portrait exhibition featuring female research mathematicians and educators from University Paris-Saclay. Addressing diverse audiences, including students, researchers, educators, and the general public, its purpose is to break down gender stereotypes still prevalent in science and mathematics.

Conceived as a traveling exhibition, Just Do Maths! will be displayed on different campuses of our University (Moulon, Bures-sur-Yvette, Orsay, Versailles et Evry). At each venue, the exhibition will be inaugurated with a specific event, such as a debate, conference, or workshop, highlighting gender issues in mathematics. For gender statistics, you may check the OECD Education at a Glance Report, p. 233.

Drawing on comprehensive scientific portraits published on the University’s website, the exhibition showcases female mathematicians working at our University. By integrating photos, illustrations, texts, and quotes into freestanding panels, the exhibition provides insight into their experiences as Women in Mathematics.

Come see the Exhibition!

After the summer break (Fall 2024 and Winter 2025), the exhibition will travel to:

  • The Jacques Hadamard Library of the Mathematics Institute in Orsay,
  • The Bibliothèque Universitaire in Orsay,
  • The UFR des Sciences campus in Versailles,
  • The I.G.B.G.I Building, and the Mauperthuis Building in Evry.

Replay of the IHES conference on the impact of female role models in science by Catherine Goldstein and Clémence Perronnet, authors of MATHEUSES - Les filles avenir des mathématiques.

The inaugurating events scheduled in the Fall of 2024 and in the Winter of 2025 are not yet finalized. Stay tuned!


This exhibition could not have seen the light of the day without the dedication of the mathematical community at Université Paris-Saclay. We express our heartfelt gratitude to:

• The mathematicians who graciously agreed to participate in the exhibition,
• The mathematicians involved in the inaugural events,
• The volunteering students,
• All individuals who helped promote and spread the word about the exhibition.

The following stakeholders played vital roles in the creation of the exhibition:

• The Communications and Branding Office of Université Paris-Saclay (DirMarC),
• The Communications Office of the Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay,
• Paris Saclay's Lumen,
• The Development and Communications Team of IHES,
• The UFR Sciences de l’Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 
• The UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées of Université d’Evry, 
• The Arts and Culture Office of Université d’Evry, 
• The Libraries of the different University campuses, 
• The INSMI (CNRS), 
• The Académie de Versailles