Perspectives on policy and practice in EMI

2024-02-28 12:00 2024-02-28 13:30 Perspectives on policy and practice in EMI

English as a Medium of Instruction or EMI is as widespread as it is wide-ranging in terms of methodology and policy; with no single set of parameters guaranteeing an “ideal” EMI environment. Conversations on EMI often lead us into the realms of classroom management, teacher training, international policy, and critical pedagogy, reflecting both the richness of this landscape and the inherent complexity of transitioning to English-medium instruction. Join us for this conversation together as we explore some of these threads and take stock of EMI in 2024.
Join us during the webinar on Wednesday, 28th February, from 12:00 to 13:30.
To participate, please register here:

Thematique : Formation, International

English as a Medium of Instruction or EMI is as widespread as it is wide-ranging in terms of methodology and policy; with no single set of parameters guaranteeing an “ideal” EMI environment.

  • Public
    Tout public
  • Type d'évènement
    Conférence / séminaire / webinaire
  • Conditions


  • Dates
    Mercredi 28 février, 12h00
    12:00 pm - 01:30 pm
  • Lieu

English as a Medium of Instruction or EMI is as widespread as it is wide-ranging in terms of methodology and policy; with no single set of parameters guaranteeing an “ideal” EMI environment. Conversations on EMI often lead us into the realms of classroom management, teacher training, international policy, and critical pedagogy, reflecting both the richness of this landscape and the inherent complexity of transitioning to English-medium instruction. Join us for this conversation together as we explore some of these threads and take stock of EMI in 2024.
Join us during the webinar on Wednesday, 28th February, from 12:00 to 13:30.
To participate, please register here: