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Labex ECODEC - Economics and Decision Sciences

Regulating the economy for the benefit of society

 Laboratoire d'excellence (labex)

Formation of a major economic, management and social sciences centre

This LabEx, led by ENSAE-CREST with the Ecole Polytechnique and HEC, is a founding member of a major international economics, management and social sciences centre that brings together over one hundred lecturer-researchers in economics and statistics from ENSAE ParisTech, its research centre CREST, Ecole Polytechnique and HEC Paris, working closely with the institutions at the Université Paris-Saclay, such as ENS Cachan, Université Paris-Sud, CEA, AgroParisTech and INRA.

A unique configuration in France that makes the ECODEC LabEx a versatile player in economics, management and social sciences

This LabEx capitalises on the strengths of the campus with an unparalleled pool of French and foreign students in France. This extraordinary interdisciplinary potential allows all areas of application to be covered in economics, management and social sciences, and ultimately closer ties with all stakeholders in economic life (businesses, government, social agencies and international institutions).

In addition, ECODEC partners are taking up a unique position as the great French centre of data from all fields of application in economics and social sciences, through top-tier equipment certified in 2011 by ENSAE-CREST (with the help of INSEE (the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), ENS Cachan and GIS (Groupement d'intérêt scientifique – French Scientific Interest Group) Quetelet and provide researchers with a highly secure tool for accessing individualised data from official statistics and government.


"Regulating the economy for the benefit society": the challenge of the ECODEC laboratory of excellence

The LabEx's lines of work are summarised by the expression of this laboratory of excellence: "economics and decision sciences: regulating the economy for the benefit of society". ECODEC's challenge is to allow theoretical and practical advances in the regulation of markets, whether in the labour market, the markets for goods and services, or financial markets, while providing private and public decision makers the latest methodological tools to evaluate their policies and actions.


Visit the ECODEC LabEx website




Project Manager