PhD Program in Human and Social Sciences - GS HSP-SSP
This doctoral program aims to develop research in the Human and Social Sciences around the following topics
- heritage sciences
- cultural productions
- processes of knowledge mediation
- territorial analysis of environmental issues
- sociological and historical approaches of work, employment and professions
- sociology of public action
- data analysis
It is part of two graduate schools:
- GS Humanities-Heritage Sciences
- GS Sociology and Political Science
Culture / Data / Employment / Epistemology / Environment / Media / Heritage / Public policies / Professions / Knowledge / Territories / Work
Covered topics in this doctoral program
Heritage and heritage sciences
- Materials, gestures, systems: material study of heritage objects, from the scale of the material to that of the site
- Dematerialization of objects, practices and operating modes: dematerialization, new heritage categories, reconstitution of tangible heritage...
- Vocabularies, modes of nomination, conceptualization, epistemology: critical study of the production of knowledge on heritage, process of patrimonialization, epistemological reflection...
Cultural productions and knowledge mediation processes
- Culture as a vector and mediator of knowledge ;
- The media as filters, relays or prescribers of scientific knowledge;
- Knowledge and power;
- Epistemology of knowledge: from the contribution of the Humanities to the knowledge of scientific production processes.
Environment, territories and transitions
Treatment of environmental issues and transitions of socio-ecological systems in a territorialized dimension.
Work, employment and professions
Analysis of these subjects by mobilizing diversified methods of data collection and analysis with a strong focus on class, origin and gender dimensions.
Sociology of public action
Analysis of the transformation of actors, scales, political stakes and knowledge in social and health policies, penal and public security policies, environmental policies and economic policies based on sociological surveys
Data analysis
Combining a reflection on the construction of the data with the mobilization of the data, by crossing quantitative and qualitative data.
For this program, you will be attached to the SSH doctoral school: Social Sciences and Humanities.
The doctoral school "Social Sciences and Humanities" (ED SSH) is a multi-disciplinary doctoral school. It brings together all the research units and teams in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Université Paris-Saclay and its member and associate institutions.
- CEARC- Cultures, Environnements, Arctique, Représentations, Climat - (UVSQ)
- CESDIP - Centre de Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales - (UVSQ)
- CHCSC - Centre d'Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines - (UVSQ)
- CPN - Centre Pierre Naville - (UEVE)
- CRD - Centre de Recherches sur le Design - (ENS Paris-Saclay/ENSCI)
- DYPAC - Dynamiques Patrimoniales et Culturelles - (UVSQ)
- EST - Etudes sur les Sciences et les Techniques - (U Paris-Saclay)
- IDHES - Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l'Economie et de la Société - (ENS Saclay / UEVE)
- ISP - Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique - (ENS Saclay)
- LARSIM - Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Sciences de la Matière - (CEA)
- LéaV - Laboratoire de Recherche de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles
- LIMEEP-PS - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur les Mutations des Espaces Économiques et Politiques-Paris Saclay - (UVSQ)
- PRINTEMPS - Laboratoire Professions, Institutions, Temporalités - (UVSQ)
- SLAM - Synergies Langues Arts Musique - (UEVE)
PhD students admitted to the Phd program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. The contractual Phd students are full-time employees with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with complementary missions of teaching, scientific mediation, valorization or expertise.
Possible employers* for Phd students under contract to the program are :
- Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Science of Orsay, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sports Science and Law-Economy-Management)
- University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
- University of Evry Val d'Essonne
- Centrale Supélec
- ENS Paris-Saclay
- Agro Paris Tech
* This list needs to be completed or clarified
The support of PhD students is provided at four levels
- the thesis director or co-director
- the thesis supervision committee
- the laboratory (seminars)
- the SSH doctoral school (training)
The SSH doctoral school offers training specifically devoted to the professional future and support (in conjunction with the thesis director and the laboratory). It participates in the survey on the professional future of PhD students. .
How to be admitted to the doctoral program in Human and Social Sciences ?
Find below the different steps to apply for the doctoral program in Human and Social Sciences ?
Prerequisite and evalutation criteria
- Master's degree in one of the specialties of ED SSH
- Registration of the doctoral project in one of the themes of the 2 GS
- Originality of the doctoral project in its scientific context,
- Relevance of the scientific approach envisaged to carry out the doctoral project,
- Modalities of implementation of the doctoral project in the framework of one of the research units of the ED SSH
- Oral presentation: the candidate's ability to answer questions and his or her understanding of the doctoral project and the proposed approach
The steps ?
Candidates submit their application via the ADUM website.
The application file must include:
- the candidate's curriculum vitae,
- his/her M1 and M2 transcripts,
- a reasoned opinion from the thesis director,
- a reasoned opinion from the director of the research unit that will host the PhD student
The doctoral project (between 5 to 10 pages) which must specify:
- the essential elements of the current state of knowledge in the concerned field ;
- the scientific objectives of the project with the expected scientific advances, the stages of the project;
- the tools and methods to be implemented and the possible external scientific cooperation to be considered;
A pre-selection of applications is made at the laboratory level to select the candidates who will be invited to participate in an audition by the joint jury of the doctoral school, the composition of which is decided each year by its board.
The modalities of the audition are a presentation time with or without digital support + a similar time for questions. The candidates will have to present their academic background, their research experience and their doctoral project.

Calendar 2024 - Candidates
- Friday May 3, 2024
Deadline for submission of thesis topics on ADUM - Tuesday May 14, 2024 :
Application deadline on ADUM - Tuesday May 21, 2024:
Publication of eligibility results - Wednesday June 5 to Thursday June 6, 2024:
Candidate hearings - Monday June 24, 2024:
Announcement of results
Communication tools