Paris-Saclay University ranked 1st in the world for mathematics
The annual Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) has placed Paris-Saclay University first in the world for mathematics. The University’s position as a research-intensive university of international standing was further cemented by being ranked 9th in the world for Physics (1st in Europe), as well as a top 25 place for medicine and agriculture.
July 1, 2020. The 2020 edition of the Shanghai ranking was published on Monday, June 29, naming the world's top institutions in 54 subjects across Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences. Paris-Saclay University is ranked in the Top 50 in 10 disciplines and in the Top 100 in 25 additional disciplines.
In mathematics, Paris-Saclay University is ranked first in the world.
This is a well-deserved recognition of the excellence of the research carried out in the nine Mathematics laboratories across the University. It is also a great distinction for French mathematics in general as two other Parisian institutions were also ranked in the Top 10: Sorbonne University 3rd and PSL 10th.
Paris-Saclay University ranks among the Top 50 best universities in the world in 10 other disciplines. In particular, it is ranked 9th in Physics (1st in Europe), 12th in Agriculture, 23rd in Telecommunications Engineering and 24th in Clinical Medicine.
With this ranking, Paris-Saclay University demonstrates the value and robustness of the wide scientific foundations of all its members, which include its constituent faculties and institutions as well as the IHES and the six national research organisations that make up the framework of its joint research units. In 2021, this scope will be extended to the associate member universities, UVSQ and Université d'Evry.
"This ranking gives our laboratories and our graduates a high level of visibility, particularly for international students, as well as for our collaboration with institutions from around the world but also with business and civil society," said Sylvie Retailleau, President of Paris-Saclay University. "This is a first reward for the collective energy that we have invested in the conception and the implementation of a new model which brings together universities, grandes écoles and national research organisations. This international recognition places the bar as high as we had hoped, and we are obviously very proud and happy but above all we remain committed to the future.”
Created in 2003, the Shanghai ranking distinguishes the main educational institutions among the top 17,000 universities listed worldwide. It takes into account six criteria, including the number of Nobel Prize and Fields Medal winners, the number of researchers most cited in their discipline (Highly Cited Researchers) and the number of publications in the scientific journals Nature and Science.
Excellence in mathematics at Paris-Saclay University is under pinned by nine laboratories:
- Borelli Centre (ENS Paris-Saclay / CNRS / UPSaclay)
- CentraleSupélec Mathematics Federation - (CentraleSupélec / CNRS / UPSaclay)
- Institute of Theoretical Physics (IphT - CEA Saclay / CNRS)
- Alexander Grothendieck Laboratory (LAG- IHES / CNRS)
- Mathematics and Modeling Laboratory of Evry (LAMME - UEVE / CNRS / ENSIIE / CNRS)
- Orsay Mathematics Laboratory - (LMO-UPSaclay / CNRS)
- Versailles Mathematics Laboratory (LMV - UVSQ / CNRS)
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - (MIA - AgroParisTech / INRAE / UPSaclay)
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Genome to Environment (MaIAGE - INRAE)
37 Highly Cited Researchers
In the list of Highly Cited Researchers published in November 2019, Paris-Saclay University
had 37 HCRs in its laboratories (including teacher-researchers and researchers from NROs).
About Paris-Saclay University
Paris-Saclay University brings together ten university components (5 faculties, 3 Institutes of Technology, a university engineering school and the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers), four grandes écoles (AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, ENS Paris-Saclay), an institute for advanced research in basic sciences (IHES), two associate member universities (UVSQ and UEVE) and laboratories shared with major research organizations (CEA, CNRS, Inrae, Inria, Inserm and Onera).
Composed of 48,000 students, 8,100 teacher-researchers and 8,500 technical and administrative staff, it offers a complete and varied range of courses from Bachelor to Doctorate level, and is well recognised for its high-quality education delivered by a team of renowned and committed teaching staff.
Located south of Paris, on sites that stretches from Paris to Orsay, via Evry and Versailles, Paris-Saclay University benefits from a strategic geographical and socio-economic position that its international visibility helps to reinforce. A leading university, with predominantly fundamental sciences focus, but also recognised for its education in the human (Biology and Medicine) and social sciences, Paris-Saclay University is located in a classified natural environment region, close to Paris, and at the heart of a dynamic economic hub.