IJCLab, a major new lab devoted to the physics of the two infinities
The Irène-Joliot Curie Physics of Two Infinities Lab (IJCLab - Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS), inaugurated on 1 January 2020, is the fruit of the collaboration between five physics labs based on the Orsay campus: the Centre for Nuclear and Matter Sciences (CSNSM), the Neurobiology and Oncology Imaging and Modelling Laboratory (IMNC), the Orsay Nuclear Physics Institute (IPNO), the Linear Accelerator Laboratory (LAL) and the Theoretical Physics Laboratory (LPT). These labs have worked on a range of science projects together and share a history, the same history that is behind the creation of the campus itself.
This large-scale laboratory, with a staff of around 800, is intended to cover multiple fields of the physics of the two infinities and its applications, thanks in particular to scientific clusters in firmly established disciplines, and others in emerging domains and liaison activities: particle physics, nuclear physics, astroparticles & cosmology, energy & the environment, accelerator physics, theoretical physics, and physics & health. IJCLab boasts the latest in infrastructures and technology platforms (Andromède, ALTO, Laserix, SCALP and Supratech) and bears host to some extraordinary - and sometimes unique - technical skills and expertise. It has the facilities and the ambition to carry out large-scale projects at both a national and international level, but can also encourage and support smaller-scale projects, as well as projects with a shorter lifespan in response to recent scientific events and/or technical innovations.
Thanks to its close links with Université Paris-Saclay and Université de Paris, IJCLab can offer students, researchers and academic staff an ideal environment for teaching, training and knowledge transfer.