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Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique (ISP)

Laboratory presentation

The Institute of Social Sciences in Politics (Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique - ISP) is a laboratory of national and international reputation whose research is organized around 4 research topics: the law, power and public action as well as political identities, issues related to conflicts and finally the diffusion of people and knowledge.
It is a mixed research unit located on two campuses: Nanterre and ENS Cachan.
ISP conducts its research with an interdisciplinary approach, within an international framework. The theoretical approach of the laboratory's research is combined with the empirical approach.

The 20 latest publications

Title Authors Publication date Source
The Invention of a Market: The Political Economy of Biometric Voting in Africa Marielle Debos, Guillaume Desgranges 01/01/23 Critique Internationale
Categorising professional worlds according to school position Benoît Tudoux 07/01/22 Formation Emploi
The confederal ambulance: How the CGT built the professional retraining of its trade union officials Nicolas Simonpoli 07/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
Romain Juston Morival, Médecins légistes. Une enquête sociologique Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2020, 226 p. Bérangère Tarka 07/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
Muriel Darmon, Réparer les cerveaux. Sociologie des pertes et des récupérations post-AVC Myriam Ahnich 07/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
Spatial social networks for the humanities: A visualization and analytical model Maël Le Noc 06/01/22 Transactions in GIS
Away from Demonstrations South African Poor People’s Movements and the ‘Regime of the Near’ Jérôme Tournadre 03/01/22 Social Analysis
Collective memory and autobiographical memory: Perspectives from the humanities and cognitive sciences Sarah Gensburger 01/01/22 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
Social distance in France: Evolution of homogeneity within personal networks from 2001 to 2017 Benoît Tudoux 01/01/22 Social Networks
Le récit de l’enquête au service de l’élaboration théorique. Retour sur l’écriture d’une thèse sur les carrières sportives polyvalentes Mathilde Julla-Marcy 01/01/22 Loisir et Societe
Exhibitions on Soviet Repressions at the Moscow NGO Memorial (2011–2021): Transforming Family Memory into Cultural Memory Sofia Tchouikina 01/01/22 Problems of Post-Communism
Investigating gender in a world of gender consciousness Alexandre Jaunait 01/01/22 BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique
Ève Meuret-Campfort - « Lutter comme les mecs ». Le genre du militantisme ouvrier dans une usine de femmes 2021, Vulaines-sur-Seine, Le Croquant, 438 p Alexandra Oeser 01/01/22 Cahiers du Genre
Jus Soli – Sports Law: The International Federations’ Power on National Sports Representation Clémence Beaufrère 01/01/22 Droit et Societe
La gestion publique en tension: défis du présent, chantiers du futur: Pour un droit de l’action publique Patrice Duran 01/01/22 Droit et Societe
Constructing Scientific Legitimacy: The Controversies Surrounding the Composition and Reception of the French Commission on France’s Role in Rwanda Mathilde Beaufils 01/01/22 Politique Africaine
Persécution des juifs et espace urbain Paris, 1940-1946 Sarah Gensburger 01/01/22 Histoire Urbaine
Spoliation et voisinage Le logement à Paris, 1943-1944 Sarah Gensburger 01/01/22 Histoire Urbaine
Bureaucrats or Ideologues? EU Merger Control as Market-centred Integration* Fabien Tarissan 07/01/21 Journal of Common Market Studies
The Anti-Masonic Congress of Trento (1896): International Mobilization and the Circulation of Practices against Freemasonry Simon Sarlin 07/01/21 Contemporanea

Number of publications of the laboratory by scientific field (2016-2021)

Every paper can be classified in one or more scientific fields. The figure below shows the lab's number of publications in each scientific field, according to the ASJC classification (Elsevier)