Cryoconcept on quantum technologies
For 17 years, Cryoconcept has been designing and manufacturing ultra-low temperature dilution refrigerators for fundamental research.
These systems are used by physicians in many fields (nano-structures, dark matter, condensed matter, Quantum Computing...).
The Ultra Quiet Technology of HEXADRY refrigerators significantly reduces the vibration of the entire cryostat in continuous mode. Today, thanks to this technology, HEXADRY UQT Bolo has become the worldwide reference in the search for dark matter. This technology will provide a stable environment for Quantum Bits.
In October 2019, Cryoconcept received an order for the first two HEXADRY 200 refrigerators for the QuCube project from the Grenoble team of CEA Leti and CNRS Néel for the development of the Quantum CMOS sector.
Cryoconcept will collaborate in the development of the new generation of refrigerators dedicated to this research.
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