Associations of doctoral students and PhDs
Associations are essential to carry the voice of doctoral students and doctors, to create social links and to keep the doctoral community alive
National and international associations of doctoral students make the voice of doctoral students heard by major universities and, more generally, by all institutions in charge of doctoral education, by governments and by the general public.
Regional or local associations are also essential actors in the events that punctuate the life of the doctoral community (doctoral school days, doctoral promotion days for master's students or students from the grandes écoles, forums, graduation ceremonies). They create social links, inform and represent doctoral students. They help to establish a network of alumni to promote the doctoral students of the Université Paris-Saclay.
The elected representatives of the doctoral students in the bodies of the Université Paris-Saclay (academic council, council of the doctoral college, councils of the doctoral schools) represent the doctoral students in each of these bodies, relay the information to the doctoral students and defend the interests and the points of view of the doctoral students (see contacts and organization).
Local associations, Université Paris-Saclay
Acting for Doctoral Students and Young Doctors (ADDOC) is an association of the Université Paris-Saclay. It is physically established on the Orsay campus, and its vocation is to address doctoral students and young doctors of all disciplines of the Université Paris-Saclay. The missions of ADDOC cover the information and the representation of doctoral students and young doctors, notably for the defense of their rights within the major administrative bodies of the Université Paris-Saclay (Scientific Council) or national (National Council of Higher Education and Research), as well as the information about the pursuit of their career.
L'ADUV'SQ (Association des Doctorants de l'UVSQ) aims to: Welcome doctoral students and facilitate contact between the different generations of doctoral students at the UVSQ, all disciplines included. This can be done through events, the association's website or any other means deemed useful. To support doctoral students in their thesis work and their professional insertion, notably through training offers and the organization of an annual congress, in the spirit of the Doctoriales days, during which doctoral students will be able to meet and exhibit their work, participate in events and conferences, and meet industrialists. To provide support for doctoral students experiencing difficulties at the UVSQ, whether for administrative, material, supervisory or status reasons, and to act as a relay between all doctoral students and their representatives.
The objectives of the association are :
- to bring together the doctoral student populations*;
- to inform the normalien-es and students of the ENS Paris-Saclay about the doctorate and the world of research;
- to make people outside ENS Paris-Saclay (high school students, families of the Plateau de Saclay...) aware of graduate studies, the doctorate and the world of research.
* Post-doctoral students are also welcome in the association!
Doc'J association of young researchers of the INRA center of Jouy en Josas. The Doc'J association gathers the young researchers of the INRA center of Jouy en Josas (PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, trainees, CDD...) to create a dynamic and facilitate contacts between them.
CARaDoc : Careers and Doctors at CentraleSupelec aims to help young researchers in Paris-Saclay to develop their careers.
ATACS (Association des Thésards et Amis de CentraleSupélec) is the association of CentraleSupélec's PhD students. It organizes social, cultural and professional events (CARaDOC) to animate campus life and foster exchanges between PhD students.
D2I2 - Doctoral students and Doctors of the Two Infinites - is an association for all physicists working in the field of the two infinities (particle and astroparticle physics, nuclear physics, cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics). Its goal is to create a social and professional network through the creation of a directory and the organization of various events such as seminars, parties, workshops to think about your professional future ... D2I2 accompanies you from the M2 and stays by your side during and after the PhD, whether your career path is academic or you have chosen other horizons!
Doc' en herbe - Association of the PhD students of the ED Sciences du Végétal
Actif - CEA Association of PhD students of Ile-de-France
is an association open to doctors, post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students who have in common to have carried out their research work at ONERA. Its purpose is to maintain dialogue between its members and ONERA, to encourage professional exchanges between its members, to promote doctoral training at ONERA and to contribute to the influence of ONERA and the aerospace and defense sector (ASD).
In 2019, ONERA had 291 PhD students and 25 post-doctoral students. This represents a flow of approximately 100 PhDs who graduate each year, 40% of whom join the ASD sector, 25% of whom join the research and teaching sector, and 35% of whom join industry and services outside ASD. The composition of the Board of Directors reflects that of the association, whose members with a PhD are most often engineers in the ASD sector.
Since its inception in 2016, a variety of partnerships have developed with:
- the French Aeronautics and Astronautics Association (3AF), with whom we organize symposiums, such as the one in tribute to the industrialist Henry Potez, which took place in Méaulte (Somme) on September 18, 2020, or the one on the future of aerostation and airships, which will be held in Meudon on June 25, 2021, as part of the star's up festival;
- the international strategy firm OLIVER WYMAN, with whom we have already held six round tables at their headquarters on rue Euler in Paris on Open innovation, AI, cyber security, predictive maintenance, the talents of tomorrow and business as a service;
- the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale (SEIN), with whom we organized three roundtables in 2020 at the Hôtel de l'Industrie, Place Saint-Germain des Prés, on space and its challenges, the mysteries and enigmas of aeronautics and ethics and digital technology;
site : www.alumni-onera.fr
National Associations
The CJC (Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs) brings together about forty national associations of doctoral students and doctors, voluntarily involved in the recognition of the doctorate as professional experience. At the national level, because of its expertise on the doctorate, it is a privileged interlocutor of the public authorities, represented in particular at the CNESER (National Council for Higher Education and Research). At the European level, it participates in the reflection on the doctorate and young researchers through the association EURODOC, of which it is a founding member.
L'Association Nationale des Docteurs,
founded in 1970, and recognized as a public utility since 1975, has three main missions
- to promote the doctorate: to highlight the added value of the professional experience of the doctorate in order to reveal the skills of the doctors;
- to put the talents of PhDs at the service of society:
- contribute to the decompartmentalization of professional spheres by positioning PhDs as "border crossers",
- to take advantage of the expertise and know-how of PhDs to meet the challenges of tomorrow's world;
- create and synergize networks of PhDs:
- increase the collective visibility of PhDs,
- to allow each one to develop his professional network,
- to encourage interactions between network creators.
PhDTalent is an association founded by volunteer PhD students and young doctors interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, applied research and the transfer of concepts and ideas. This association actively collaborates with other doctoral student associations, universities, laboratories or research institutes, and in particular with the Université Paris-Saclay, in order to organize each year an international forum for doctors and doctoral students from the Ile de France region, which will allow them to meet more than 50 companies that have come specifically to recruit doctors. (Learn more ...)
European Associations
- To represent doctoral students and young researchers at the European level in matters of education, research and professional development of their careers.
- To improve the quality of doctoral programs and the standards governing research activity in Europe.
- To promote the flow of information on issues concerning young researchers; to organize events, take part in debates and contribute to the development of policies on higher education and research in Europe.
- To establish and promote cooperation between national associations representing doctoral students and young researchers within Europe.