Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy

Université Paris-Saclay has created a support unit for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), coordinates awareness campaigns and educates its students, PhD candidates and staff about SGBV. You can find out more about the various initiatives and actions on this webpage.

The SGBV support unit and report form

Université Paris-Saclay has a support unit for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) to stop misconduct and encourage victims to speak out.

A unit of doctors, nurses, social assistants, and a Gender Equality Officer work to support, counsel and guide victims of witnesses of SGBV to stop all types of harassment (sexual, moral, cyberbullying, sexual violence, attacks, rape, sexual exhibition.)

You can find the list of useful addresses and contacts within and outside of Université Paris-Saclay in this guide.

EN version


Information guide



How can we identify cases of sexual harassment? How should we react? Who should we talk to? You can find the answers to these questions in the Sexual Harassment Information Guide created by the group, CLASCHES.

English version




Awareness campaigns

The university coordinates awareness campaigns as part of the annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, with initiatives and events organised across the university’s various institutions.

Training on sexual and gender-based violence and harassment

Objectives and goals:
1/ Educate and raise awareness on a wide scale among all individuals concerned by SGBV and involved in anti-SGBV initiatives: unit and committee members, departments and members of governance, disciplinary boards, students and PhD candidates.
2/ Improve the way in which SGBV units operate: sharing of best practices, identifying potential malfunctions, monitoring and supporting units.


Raising awareness among student associations

The charter signed between the university and its student associations includes a section on sexual and gender-based violence. It is everyone’s duty to combat SGBV. As a result, student associations have an appointed point of contact for SGBV issues who works to anticipate risks. In 2022 the Student Health Service implemented the introduction of awareness and protection kits as part of the organisation of student evening events.

Institutional contacts

Filing a report

Filing a report

This form is intended for students, staff members or witnesses/relatives of victims of violence, harassment or discrimination at the university.