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Labex NanoSaclay

Labex NanoSaclay - Paris-Saclay Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

Flagship projects in nanoscience and nanotechnology (electronics of the future, nano-medicine and energy regulation).

Strategic challenges for nanotechnology and the NanoSaclay LabEx

Nanoscience and nanotechnology, the key resources to future economic competitiveness, have for the past 10 years been the subject of numerous national support programs (USA, Japan, Korea, Germany, United Kingdom). France stepped up its efforts in 2003 with the launch of its national "nano" program, updated in 2005 by the ANR (National Research Agency), RTRAs (Thematic Networks for Advanced Research), three of which have nanoscience/nanotechnology components, and RENATECH (National Nanofabrication Network). In 2009, the SNRI (National Research and Innovation Strategy) confirmed that "nanos" carried great hope for development in electronics, materials science, biotechnology and medicine, but that a strong convergence of scientific disciplines was needed to support the limited number of technology transfers to industry, while taking into account the social implications.

Three flagship projects in nanotechnology and nanosciences to develop the NanoSaclay LabEx

The scientific dynamic of NanoSaclay revolves around three key projects. Tenders that are dedicated to emerging projects and innovation projects will ensure the dynamic of the NanoSaclay LabEx, its thematic resourcing and its appeal.

Project selection is based on a detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses. The fields with established excellence, sufficient critical mass and significant innovation potential will be given priority.

Launched for 2+2 years, they rely on a strong base of transferable skills (materials/technologies, characterisation, theory/simulations):

  • quantum nanoelectronics and spin;
  • nanomedicines for treating serious diseases;
  • nanophotonics: nano-objects for the control of energy.

The NanoSaclay Laboratory of Excellence projects will be a source of innovation and technology transfer through a vast industrial partnership.

A competitive and value-added research project

LabEx stakeholders have already demonstrated their capacity for development: 350 patents and 10 start-ups have come from our 24 partners over 10 years. This "fertile ground" will be cultivated and enriched within the LabEx through a dedicated committee. It will be composed of experts in technology transfer and senior scientists in the field, and will drive activities to enhance the laboratory of excellence with the help of existing external units.

NanoSaclay intends to increase the appeal for students at the Campus Paris-Saclay to the level of its foremost international competitors. Apart from its strong involvement in education (new Masters program in Nanosciences at Paris-Saclay), NanoSaclay will create an internship program of excellence and an education-through-research program for research students. In addition, a NanoSciences club will be launched within the LabEx to initiate collaborations with students from partner organisations. NanoSaclay hopes to thereby create an effective cluster that sustainably transforms the local landscape, by relying on the co-location of its major stakeholders at Nano-sciences-Nano-INNOV. In addition, the LabEx must also be able to support its internal resourcing, attract new dynamic teams, develop its appeal and produce valuable innovations.

Multiple strategic partnerships and streamlined organisation

The NanoSaclay LabEx will rely on a streamlined and dynamic governance:

  • A coordinator and an assistant coordinator (management of the LabEx). They will be supported by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the flagship projects, with a cross-disciplinary approach and a focus on development, education and communication.
  • An international scientific council (expertise in large projects, validation of scientific goals).
  • An administrative council consisting of advisors and the FCS (Scientific Cooperation Foundation) (financial and strategic issues).

The NanoSaclay laboratory of excellence brings together in its inner circle approximately 460 scientists from 24 partners and 13 tutorships (CNRS, CEA, Université Paris-Sud, Ecole Polytechnique, IOGS (Optics Institute Graduate School), Ecole Centrale Paris, Supélec, ENS Cachan, INRIA, ONERA, Soleil, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Thales).

 Laboratoire d'excellence (labex)



Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)

Ingénieur Projet - Assistante Coordination du LabEx