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What are the expected outcomes of following a PhD programme?

According to the article that defines the doctorate (L617-7), doctoral programmes comprise a customised scientific supervision of the highest quality as well as a joint programme comprising teaching, seminars or internships aiming to:

  • develop PhD students’ scientific culture;
  • prepare their future career prospects in both public and private sectors; and,
  • encourage their international prospects.

PhD students can expect around 120 hours of instruction (this will vary across doctoral schools) over the course of their thesis preparation. Around half of these hours are provided by the doctoral school itself, the other half by the doctoral college. Other courses may be validated under the doctoral programme. The programme plan for each PhD student will be validated by the doctoral school director. Joint courses offered in the catalogue have been validated by the directors of all doctoral schools as being recognised for all doctoral programmes.

Reference documents regarding doctoral programmes (course management, calls for projects, etc.)