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Séminaire de Clément Lauzin EN MODE HYBRIDE

2022-05-31 11:00 2022-05-31 12:00 Séminaire de Clément Lauzin EN MODE HYBRIDE

High-resolution spectroscopy to study isolated molecules and the condensation at the molecular scale.

par Clément Lauzin

Institut de la matière condensée et des nanosciences, Université catholique de Louvain

This talk will be divided in three parts. In the first, I will present our efforts to build an instrument working at cryogenic temperatures to perform high-resolution spectroscopic measurements on isolated and “complex” molecules in the overtone range. The set-up currently combines a buffer gas cooling chamber and a cavity ringdown/enhanced spectrometer (CRDS-CEAS).
In a second time, I will present our works concerning water containing van der Waals complexes probed using either the CW-CRDS for neutral complexes. The focus will be given to H2O-CO2 and our efforts in producing larger mass-selected aggregates.
Finally, I will present measurements we performed to characterize the lifetime of water droplets in air using a new method based on Mie scattering measurements. This last study was motivated by articles published in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and led us to explore the field of mass photometry.

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Thematic : Research

High-resolution spectroscopy to study isolated molecules and the condensation at the molecular scale.

  • Public
    Réservé à certains publics
  • Event type
    Conférence / séminaire / webinaire
  • Dates
    Tuesday 31 May, 11:00
    11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Location

High-resolution spectroscopy to study isolated molecules and the condensation at the molecular scale.

par Clément Lauzin

Institut de la matière condensée et des nanosciences, Université catholique de Louvain

This talk will be divided in three parts. In the first, I will present our efforts to build an instrument working at cryogenic temperatures to perform high-resolution spectroscopic measurements on isolated and “complex” molecules in the overtone range. The set-up currently combines a buffer gas cooling chamber and a cavity ringdown/enhanced spectrometer (CRDS-CEAS).
In a second time, I will present our works concerning water containing van der Waals complexes probed using either the CW-CRDS for neutral complexes. The focus will be given to H2O-CO2 and our efforts in producing larger mass-selected aggregates.
Finally, I will present measurements we performed to characterize the lifetime of water droplets in air using a new method based on Mie scattering measurements. This last study was motivated by articles published in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and led us to explore the field of mass photometry.

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